Overview EV Charging Solutions - factsheets 2018
Since 2009 PRE is a well known Power Module supplier for OEM companies. Our customers provide DC Fast Charging solutions all over the world. PRE is your partner for a range of DC EV Charger Modules.
PRE offers Charger Modules for the following applications.
- EV Fast Charging stations.
- EV Fast Charging parks.
- EV Home / Office Chargers, Energy Storage Systems (ESS) and SmartGrid Solutions (V2G, V2X)
- 10kW V2G Charger Module with PV Input (3 Phase)
- 6kW V2H Charger Module with PV Input (Single Phase)
- CCS & CHAdeMO compliant.
- Bidirectional (V2H/V2G) Operation.
- CANbus Control Interface.
- Latest Resonant Technology
- High efficiency up to 98%
- Direct Solar Charging with optional PV Input.
Please Contact our sales office for more Information. PRE offers a solution for all your applications.
We are Power Developers!
Power Research Electronics BV
Minervum 7073
4817 ZK Breda, The Netherlands
T +31 (0) 76 58 11 077
F +31 (0) 76 58 11 237
E info@pr-electronics.nl