

Over the years, PRE has built up a broad experience in all types of power technology.
Our most important fields of activity are:

LED Lighting

Retrieve more from a LED with Drivers from PRE.The possibilities with LED lighting are almost endless, to say at least dynamic. Light that adapts to presence,  ambient light or for example light that varies in color. To get the maximum from LED Lighting, .. Read more »

LED Lighting

Renewable Energy

Renewable Energy requires durable solutions.Solar- and Wind-Energy have achieved large steps in the past few years. By this they are more often considered as realistic options to provide our daily Energy requirements. The current they generate are nevertheless.. Read more »

Renewable Energy

Electrical Mobility

Electric driving, fast charging.The Electrical Bicycle is nowadays no strange appearance in the modern traffic. Also other directives of electrical transport, like the Scooter and Car are winning ground on popularity. The advantages are numerous. Less pollutio.. Read more »

Electrical Mobility

Industrial Applications

Special projects, particular solutions.The power of PRE lays in the ability to innovate. We are Power Developers and avoid no challenge within the range of Power Electronics. It is there for not strange that precisely those companies that produce special produ.. Read more »

Industrial Applications